
The Divine Balance

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Throughout history, civilization has often emphasized the qualities and achievements of men, while the potential and contributions of women have not received the same level of recognition. This has resulted in a society that may not fully appreciate the strengths both genders bring. A civilization shaped predominantly by one perspective can lack balance, potentially missing out on the complete array of human experience.

Men are often driven by ambition, which can sometimes lead to jealousy, competition, and conflict. This ambition has significantly shaped our civilization, emphasizing power and achievement. Historical figures like Joan of Arc and Rani Lakshmi Bai are celebrated not just for their courage and leadership, but often because they exhibited traits traditionally valued in men, such as bravery and martial prowess. Men admire these women for their extraordinary accomplishments, which reflect the qualities they themselves value highly.

In contrast, women often bring essential qualities such as love and compassion. Our civilization, influenced heavily by ambition and competition, sometimes overlooks these qualities. As a result, our societal structures may not fully incorporate the nurturing and empathetic perspectives that women provide. By recognizing and integrating these different strengths, we can work towards a more balanced and harmonious civilization.

Historically, women were denied education, which was a grave error. Now, the mistake continues as women receive an education designed for men, pushing them to adopt male traits and values. This shift risks creating a generation of women who are less connected to their true nature. The education system should instead cultivate the unique strengths and qualities of women.

Ancient Indian traditions offer examples of women who embodied wisdom and spirituality, such as Gargi and Maitreyi. These women were revered for their intellect and philosophical contributions, showcasing that a society which values feminine wisdom can thrive. By drawing inspiration from these ancient sages, we can envision an education system that nurtures the distinct talents and virtues of women, fostering a more balanced and complete civilization.

Thank You !

By Ojas Dubey

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